How we work

  • We perform surgeries six days per week and patients are generally in the hospital for 24-48 hours. You can keep up to date with patient progress using the RVetLink.
  • Southpaws have staff on 24 / 7 / 365 and owners and vets are welcome to call during these hours for updates or advice after discharge.
  • We don’t have a primary access emergency department. We do however offer referred emergencies 24/7 to our Referring Vet partners, call us for any of your support needs.
  • We are happy to offer imaging opinions and general advice over the phone or by email, as well when our surgeons, residents or IM practitioners are available.


RVetLink Portal

RVetLink is a free service from Southpaws. Using RVetLink, referring vets can access all of their patient records online at any time. You can also configure RVetLink to your email account, and you automatically receive patient updates.

Many busy vets just set this to send emails when the patient is checked in and out (rather than receiving constant updates). The benefit is then that you can log-in to RVetLink at any time that suits you, including from home and update your client on the patient’s status.

You can also configure RVetLink to your email account, and you automatically receive patient updates. Many busy vets just set this to send emails when the patient is checked in and out (rather than receiving constant updates). The benefit is then that you can log-in to RVetLink at any time that suits you, including from home and update your client on the patient’s status.

With RVetLink you can see CT and Xray images, and there is also a 5-6 step process to complete the forms to send a referral to us. RVetLink makes working with Southpaws leisurely. However, don’t worry we still communicate with you like real humans – our vets will call you for significant results and updates. If you don’t yet have a login for RVetLink call Southpaws and ask for our business manager. If you do have a login – click on the button below to access your account.

Vet Surgery


Southpaws Newsletter

Southpaws regularly email a newsletter with surgical and medicine hints and tips about diagnosis, treatment, best practices and outcomes. Our newsletter also has news about upcoming lectures and other educational opportunities. To join our newsletter click on the newsletter button.



Southpaws regularly host lecture events, live streaming events and other fun activities to stay in touch with the veterinary community. To see what’s on next, please click on the ‘go to calendar’ button below.



Southpaws YouTube channel is a wealth of resources for referring veterinarians with pre-recorded lectures and surgical videos along with live streaming events.

. Our YouTube channel is targeted explicitly towards referring veterinarians, to highlight our capabilities and to offer you opportunities to improve your surgical skills. From time to time we may also have special video topics in the medical field. To visit our channel click on the YouTube button below. Note, to participate in live Q&A during streaming events; you will need to login to YouTube with an email and password. Our streaming events are free of charge. Because our channel is specifically for referring vets and contains surgical procedures, we don’t recommend it viewing by clients.